An Autumn's Tale is a 1987 Hong Kong-made romantic drama set in New York City starring Chow Yun-fat, Cherie Chung, and Danny Chan. This is Mabel Cheung's second movie as a director after her "migration trilogy."
The movie won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Film, Best Cinematographer (James Hayman and David Chung), Best Screenplay (Alex Law), Chow was nominated three times for Best Actor in the same year, but won with his performance in Prison on Fire. Cherie Chung was nominated for Best Actress and Lowell Lo was nominated for Best Original Score, respectively. The film is listed at No. 49 on the Hong Kong Film Awards' Best 100 Chinese Films of the Century.
^ "1 Hong Kong Film Awards" (in Chinese). Official website of Hong Kong Film Awards.
^ "2 Hong Kong Film Awards" (in Chinese). Official website of Hong Kong Film Awards.
^ "3 Hong Kong Film Awards" (in Chinese). Official website of Hong Kong Film Awards.Synopsis
Jennifer quitte Hong Kong pour New York, où elle doit retrouver son fiancé Vincent. Mais celui-ci la quitte et part s'installer à Boston. Bouleversée, la jeune femme trouve du réconfort auprès de son cousin fruste qui habite l'étage du dessous. Alors qu'il s'efforce d'égayer son quotidien, il tombe amoureux de Jennifer. Mais Vincent revient, décidé à se réconcilier avec elle.