APP (also known as Android) is a 2013 Dutch film that was directed by Bobby Boermans. The film was released to theaters in the Netherlands on April 4, 2013, and stars Hannah Hoekstra as a young woman that finds herself being terrorized via a mobile app. App was given a limited theatrical release on May 9, 2014, alongside a VOD and digital release.Synopsis
After Anna (Hannah Hoekstra) blacks out after binge drinking at a party, she wakes to find herself with a hangover and a mysterious app called IRIS downloaded onto her phone. At first the app seems harmless, but soon IRIS begins tampering with Anna's life in increasingly destructive ways and there seems to be nothing she can do to remove the app from her phone. As Anna tries desperately to rid herself of IRIS and discover why she's being targeted, she finds that she's in the middle of something much larger than she initially expected.