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Bakita Byaktigoto est un film de genre Drame avec Aparajita Ghosh Das

Bakita Byaktigoto (2013)

Bakita Byaktigoto
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Genres Drame,    Romance
Note78% 3.9328553.9328553.9328553.9328553.932855

Bakita Byaktigato is a Bengali film. The film is directed by Pradipta Bhattacharyya and produced by Tripod Entertainment (IN). It won the 61st National Film Awards for Best Feature Film in Bengali.


The film has been made in a documentary style. This film is about a man's search for a partner. Pramit, an independent filmmaker who is yet to experience the spell of love in his otherwise not-so exciting life, starts shooting a documentary film on love.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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