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Bhagwan Parshuram est un film réalisé par Babubhai Mistry avec Helen Khan

Bhagwan Parshuram (1970)

Bhagwan Parshuram
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Réalisé par
Themes Mythologie,    Religion
Note20% 1.010361.010361.010361.010361.01036

Bhagwan Parshuram is a 1970 Bollywood drama film directed by Babubhai Mistry. The film stars Helen.


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Il y a 216 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 11 films avec le même réalisateur, 3589 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 106 films qui ont les mêmes 2 thèmes que Bhagwan Parshuram), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé Bhagwan Parshuram, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Mahabharat (1965)
, 2h43
Réalisé par Babubhai Mistry
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Fantasy, Action, Aventure
Thèmes Religion
Acteurs Abhi Bhattacharya, Sivaji Ganesan, Pradeep Kumar, Dara Singh, Padmini Ramachandran, Jeevan
Note70% 3.507033.507033.507033.507033.50703
Le film reprend les principaux épisodes de l'épopée, à savoir la lutte entre les cinq frères Pandava et les cent frères Kaurava, sans pouvoir en relater les origines ni tous les détails.
Parasmani (1963)

Réalisé par Babubhai Mistry
Acteurs Mahipal Singh, Aruna Irani, Helen Khan
Note63% 3.171593.171593.171593.171593.17159
Paras (played by Mahipal) is the son of the Senapati and is lost when his ship strikes storms at sea. Paras is then found by a poor villager, who brings him up as his own. Paras grows up and becomes an accomplished swordsman and singer. One day he encounters the princess (played by Gitanjali) and falls in love with her. His fame soon reaches the palace, and the Emperor summons him to sing for him. Pleased with his singing, the Emperor asks him for a wish, and Paras asks for the hand of his daughter. Enraged, the Emperor decides to punish Paras, but Paras escapes. Appearing defeated, the Emperor asks Paras to seek a rare gem called a Parasmani, because he is under a curse that states as soon as his daughter marries, it will be the last day for the Emperor. If Paras is can find the 'parasmani' the life of Emperor can be saved. Only then can Paras marry the princess. Parasmani is a hypothetical jewel which is considered to keep the bearer young forever. Paras agrees to this and leaves on the search with his sister and brother.
Shri Krishna Leela, 2h11
Genres Drame, Aventure
Thèmes Mythologie, Religion
Acteurs Sachin, Jayshree Gadkar, Sapru, Tun tun (Uma Devi Khatri), Tabassum, Bhagwan Dada

Raja Kansa (Sapru) has been told by an oracle that he will be killed by the eighth male child born to his sister Devaki (Padmarani). He has Devaki and her husband Vasudeva imprisoned, and kills off all the children born to them. When the eight child, a boy, is born Vasudev manages to leave him with Nanda and Yashoda who become his foster parents. The film shows some miracles with the ogress and serpents. It also focuses on Radha (an older married woman) and Krishna's love story. The film ends with a wrestling match between the boy Krishna and a wrestler, which Krishna wins and his killing of Raja Kansa. Krishna frees his parents from the prison.
Sri Valli
Sri Valli (1962)

Thèmes Mythologie, Religion
Acteurs Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini Ramachandran, J. P. Chandrababu, Helen Khan, Vijayakumar, Lakshmi Narayan

Goddess Valli had her heart and soul dedicated to Lord Subramanya and would always pray with fervent devotion and love, to be with Him. The Lord was moved by the highest form of love expressed by the mountain princess, and so He planned to appease Her in person by creating the perfect situation after an enactment of His lila.