Big Time Beach Party is a 2011 made-for-television film and the fourth film of the series film franchise of the Nickelodeon television series, Big Time Rush. It serves as the season two 12th and 13th episode and the 32nd and 33rd episode of the series overall as it is commonly broadcast divided in two parts. It aired on February 21, 2011.
Just like the three previous Big Time Rush movies, Big Time Beach Party does not differ in either the direction or the structure from a typical Big Time Rush episode. So practically is a two-part episode promoted as a movie since the adventures get bigger.
In the movie/episode the guys get the chance to spend a day in a beach house but things seem to develop quite differently from how they expected. The show's main cast along with the majority of the common recurring cast and several special guest stars are featured.Synopsis
As part of a deal Griffin made with Big Time Rush, they get to use his beach house in Malibu for a day when they get a gold record in any country, as they do. The boys invite almost everyone from the Palm Woods to the beach including Camille, Guitar Dude, the Jennifers and Buddha Bob as well as Jo who can't make it, because of some extra scenes she has to film for her series. Also Mrs. Knight goes after the boys with Katie when she figures out they didn't put sunblock on like she told them, while Gustavo and Kelly plan to destroy Big Time Rush's beach day since Gustavo's previous bands have become overly laid back by their life in beach and their career went downhill.