Blondie's Holiday is a 1947 black-and-white comedy film, directed by Abby Berlin. The film is based on the comic strip of the same name. The screenplay was written by Chic Young and Constance Lee.
This was the twentieth of 28 films based on the comic strip; Columbia Pictures produced them from 1938 to 1943. Daisy, the dog, appeared in every film except this one, as he was playing "Curley" in the 1947 film Red StallionSynopsis
Dagwood Bumstead is an architect who has managed to convince the prominent bank president Samuel Breckenridge to let his firm have the contract to erect a new bank building in town. When Dagwood’s boss at the architect firm, George Radcliffe, hears about the contract, he is ecstatic and offers Dagwood a modest raise of $2,50.