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Boys to Board est un film américain de genre Comédie avec Joe Cobb

Boys to Board (1923)

Boys to Board
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Durée 20minutes
Genres Comédie
Note57% 2.8902952.8902952.8902952.8902952.890295

Boys to Board is the 11th Our Gang short subject comedy released. The Our Gang series (later known as "The Little Rascals") was created by Hal Roach in 1922, and continued production until 1944.


A kindly old school teacher helps the gang escape from his wife’s miserable boarding school. While escaping, they run afoul of a bootlegger, who captures them and ties them up until the old school teacher rescues them just before the sheriff gets there. The school teacher returns to the boarding school and demands better treatment for the boys.


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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
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