Broken is a 2013 Nigerian drama film written, produced and directed by Bright Wonder Obasi, starring Nse Ikpe Etim, Bimbo Manuel and Kalu Ikeagwu. It received six nominations at the 2013 Nollywood Movies Awards including awards for Best lead actor, Best Supporting actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Make-up and Best Rising star Female.Synopsis
The film starts with Samuel Gabriel (Iyke Adiele) falling into the trap of Police-men while trying to sell hard drugs. He tried escaping but was ambushed by several of them. His interrogation at the police station was aborted when the interrogating officer was being blackmailed by his guardian for violating his fundamental human rights some years ago as a minor, After his release he was informed that his sister Emmanuella (Tehilia Adiele) was alive but with a mental condition and asthma. He visited her at the asylum and after much persuasion and assurance he was eventually allowed to take her home.