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Chora Chittha Chora est un film de genre Romance avec V Ravichandaran

Chora Chittha Chora (1998)

Chora Chittha Chora
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Durée 2h12
Genres Romance

Chora Chittha Chora (Kannada: ಚೋರ ಚಿತ್ತ ಚೋರ) is a 1999 Indian Kannada language romantic drama film directed by Subramanya and produced by Sa. Ra. Govindu. The film stars V. Ravichandran, Namrata Shirodkar and Malavika in the leading roles.

The film was a remake of Telugu film Allari Priyudu (1993) directed by K. Raghavendra Rao. The film was dubbed in Tamil as Yaarukku Mappillai Yaaro. The music was composed by Ravichandran to the lyrics of K. Kalyan.


Bande annonce de Chora Chittha Chora

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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