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Suman Nagarkar est une Actrice

Suman Nagarkar

Suman Nagarkar
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Suman Nagarkar (Kannada: ಸುಮನ್ ನಗರ್‍ಕರ್) is a Kannada film actress.


Suman lives with her husband Gurudev Nagaraj in Folsom, California.

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Filmographie de Suman Nagarkar (9 films)

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Hoomale (1998)
, 2h25
Réalisé par Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar
Thèmes Le terrorisme
Acteurs Ramesh Aravind, Suman Nagarkar, H. G. Dattatreya, B.V. Radha

It is a love story in the backdrop of terrorism set in Assam.
Nammoora Mandara Hoove, 2h48
Réalisé par Sunil Kumar Desai
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Shiva Rajkumar, Ramesh Aravind, Prema, Ramesh Choudary, Suman Nagarkar, Ramesh Bhat
Rôle Sudha, Praveen's sister
Note77% 3.899873.899873.899873.899873.89987
Shivrajkumar comes to Ramesh's (his close friend), home town and falls in love with the girl whom Ramesh loves (Prema).
ನಿಷ್ಕರ್ಷ, 2h26
Réalisé par Sunil Kumar Desai
Genres Thriller, Action
Acteurs Vishnuvardhan, Anant Nag, B.C Patil, Suman Nagarkar, Ramesh Bhat, Prakash Raj
Rôle Suman
Note76% 3.808923.808923.808923.808923.80892
The story opens with a kidnapping of an architect (Avinash) at night. He is whisked away to a secluded location where he is tortured by unknown assailants for information regarding the structural details of a bank which he helped build. When the torture reaches excruciating levels, the architect gives in and shares the confidential details of the security alarms and safety devices in the bank. It is shown that the leader of the group called Dev (B. C. Patil) is a terrorist and will stop at nothing to get the bank's money to further his group's operations. It is also shown that he commands a strong team of at least 20 deadly terrorists.