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Crni bombarder est un film de genre Drame avec Dragan Bjelogrlić

Crni bombarder (1992)

Crni bombarder
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Durée 1h56
Genres Drame,    Science-fiction
Note77% 3.893823.893823.893823.893823.89382

The Black Bomber (Serbian: Црни бомбардер, Crni Bombarder) is a 1992 Yugoslavian drama film by Serbian director Darko Bajić. It takes place in Belgrade in a fictional authoritarian near-future, modeled closely on the conditions in Serbia at the beginning of the Yugoslav Wars. The film follows an anti-establishment radio host, Crni (Dragan Bjelogrlić) and the rock singer Luna (Anica Dobra), his friend and lover. The radio station Crni works for, Boom 92 (modeled after B92) is shut down as subversive, after which he sets up his own roving broadcast studio in a pickup truck, called "Crni bombarder" (The Black Bomber).


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