Daybreak is a 1948 British film noir drama film, directed by Compton Bennett and starring Eric Portman, Ann Todd and Maxwell Reed. A sombre, bleak film, Daybreak was filmed in 1946, but ran into trouble with the BBFC, resulting in a delay of almost two years before its release. The version finally approved for release excised approximately six minutes of original footage, resulting in some jerky cuts where scenes have been removed and leaving noticeable plot lacunae which are considered to detract somewhat from an otherwise well-regarded film.Synopsis
Eddie (Portman) owns a London barber's shop and leads an apparently everyday life. However, under an assumed name he has a secret second identity known to no-one but his assistant Ron (Bill Owen) – he is also one of England's public hangmen, called on periodically to travel to prisons around the country to perform judicial executions.