Devil's Mile is a 2014 American-Canadian horror film and the feature film directorial debut of Joseph O'Brien, who also co-wrote the script and created the film's special effects. The film premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival on July 26, 2014 and is scheduled for release on DVD and VOD on August 12, 2014. It stars David Hayter as a mob enforcer that finds himself embroiled in strange supernatural occurrences while transporting hostages through a detour.
Of the film's casting, O'Brien chose to bring on del Mar due to having worked with her in the past and chose Hayter due to being familiar with his work.
^ Gingold, Michael. "Distrib news, new poster, exclusive comments: "DEVIL’S MILE"". Fangoria. Fangoria. Retrieved 21 July 2014.
^ Barton, Steve. "The Devil's Mile Wraps! First Still Appears!". Dread Central. Dread Central. Retrieved 21 July 2014.
^ "David Hayter to Walk ‘The Devil’s Mile’". Bloody Disgusting. Bloody Disgusting. Retrieved 21 July 2014.
^ Wilson, Staci Layne. "Joseph O'Brien talks Walking the Devil's Mile". Dread Central. Dread Central. Retrieved 21 July 2014.Synopsis
Fuyant la scène d'un enlèvement raté, une bande d'ex-détenus désespérés et leurs jeunes otages terrifiés prennent la mauvaise direction lorsqu'ils effectuent un détour sur une route hantée. Alors que la tension monte et que la situation dégénère violemment, les ravisseurs et leurs prisonnières se retrouvent coincés sur la route et se font attaquer par d'horribles forces surnaturelles. Ils devront lutter ensemble pour échapper aux forces du mal et trouver une façon de survivre à l'horreur qui les attend au bout de la Route du Diable.