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Diamond Frontier est un film de genre Aventure réalisé par Harold D. Schuster avec Victor McLaglen

Diamond Frontier (1940)

Diamond Frontier
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Réalisé par
Genres Aventure
Note57% 2.859112.859112.859112.859112.85911

Diamond Frontier is a 1940 American adventure film directed by Harold D. Schuster and starring Victor McLaglen, John Loder and Anne Nagel. It was based on the story A Modern Monte Cristo by Stanley Rubin and Edmund L. Hartmann.


A man tries to enforce the law in a rowdy South African diamond-mining town.


Victor McLaglen

(Terrence Regan)
John Loder

(Dr. Charles Clayton)
Anne Nagel

(Jeanne Krueger)
Cecil Kellaway

Philip Dorn

(Jan Stafford De Winter)
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Source : Wikidata


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