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Die große Abenteuerin est un film réalisé par Robert Wiene sorti en France le 16 décembre 1928 avec Lili Damita

Die große Abenteuerin (1928)

Die große Abenteuerin
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Sortie en France 16 décembre 1928
Réalisé par

The Great Adventuress (German: Die große Abenteuerin) is a 1928 German silent comedy film directed by Robert Wiene and starring Lili Damita, Georg Alexander and Fred Solm. Much of the film's funding came from Britain. Location shooting took place in Paris, Calais and London. The film's plot was criticised by reviews for lacking clarity.


The film centres on the rivalry between two competing aviation firms, one British and the other French. While in London, visiting his competitors, the head of the French firm falls in love with a young woman who turns out to be the daughter of his British rival. The film eventually ends with them marrying and the two firms merging.


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Source : Wikidata


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