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Die Teufelsanbeter est un film de genre Aventure réalisé par Marie Luise Droop avec Meinhart Maur

Die Teufelsanbeter (1920)

Die Teufelsanbeter
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Réalisé par ,    
Genres Aventure
Note68% 3.432683.432683.432683.432683.43268

The Devil Worshippers (German: Die Teufelsanbeter) is a six-chapter 1920 silent German film directed by the Turkish director Muhsin Ertuğrul, written by Marie Luise Droop, and featuring Carl de Vogt in the title-role of Kara Ben Nemsi. Later horror-star Béla Lugosi is being seen in one of his first supporting roles in a film. The film was an adaptation of a chapter from the novel Durch die Wüste (Through the Desert) of German author Karl May.

This film was the first of a trilogy of the production company "Ustad-Film" with main actor Carl de Vogt, but only came as third into the cinemas. In several scenes, this black-and-white film has some coloring, e.g. blue for night scenes.

The film is said to have premiered on 2 January 1921 at "Vaters Lichtspiele" at Würzburg but the first showing is only documented for 14 January 1921 at Wilhelmsburg.

The film is now considered to be lost.


Meinhart Maur

(Hadschi Halef Omar)
Bela Lugosi
Carl de Vogt

(Kara Ben Nemsi)
Bande annonce de Die Teufelsanbeter

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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