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Drums of Destiny est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Ray Taylor avec Tom Keene

Drums of Destiny (1937)

Drums of Destiny
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Durée 1h2
Réalisé par
Genres Western
Note61% 3.0812253.0812253.0812253.0812253.081225

Drums of Destiny is a 1937 American western film directed by Ray Taylor and starring Tom Keene, Edna Lawrence and Budd Buster. Following the War of 1812 a force of American troops are raised to combat Spanish-led Indian attacks from Spanish Florida.

It sometimes confused with the 1937 film Old Louisiana also made by Crescent and starring Keene, which was originally known by this title.

The film's sets were designed by the art director Frank Dexter.


Tom Keene

(Capt. Jerry Crawford)
Edna Lawrence

(Rosa Maria Dominguez)
Budd Buster

Robert Fiske

(Bill Holston)
Carlos De Valdez

(Don Salvador Dominguez)
Bande annonce de Drums of Destiny

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Source : Wikidata


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