Duma is a 2005 American family drama adventure film set in the country of South Africa and based on How It Was with Dooms by Carol Cawthra Hopcraft and Xan Hopcraft. It was directed by Carroll Ballard, produced by Stacy Cohen, E.K. Gaylord II, Kristin Harms, Hunt Lowry and John Wells, written by Karen Janszen and Mark St. Germain with music by George Acogny and John Debney and starring Alexander Michaletos, Eamonn Walker, Campbell Scott and Hope Davis. The film was theatrically released on September 30, 2005 by Warner Bros. Pictures, Gaylord Films and C.O.R.E.. The film received positive reviews from critics and it earned $994,790 on a $12 million budget. The movie was rated PG for mild adventure peril. Duma was released on DVD on May 16, 2006 by Warner Bros. Entertainment.Synopsis
Xan, un jeune garçon amoureux de la nature, vit au Kenya avec ses parents. Un jour, il fait la rencontre d'un guépard qu'il appelle Duma et de forts liens se tissent entre eux. La croissance de l'animal mettant la vie de Xan en danger, ce dernier entreprend de le relâcher dans la nature. Sur leur route, ils font face à de nombreux dangers mais les surmontent avec courage.