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Eşrefpaşalılar est un film de genre Drame avec Sinan Taymin Albayrak

Eşrefpaşalılar (2010)

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Genres Drame,    Comédie
Note49% 2.454542.454542.454542.454542.45454

Eşrefpaşalılar is a 2010 Turkish comedy-drama film directed by Hüdaverdi Yavuz.

The film, which is the debut feature of director Hüdaverdi Yavuz, treads into familiar territory, the urban lower-middle class, seen in his previous TV work like Şehnaz Tango and Hayat Apartmanı.

The film is adapted from a play, written by lead actor Burak Tarık, based on real life experiences, which has been successfully staged at theaters across Turkey and in European countries including Germany by Tiyatro ANSE.

Burak Tarık takes one of the leading roles but the rest of the cast is different from the play, with Hüseyin Soysalan, Turgay Tanülkü, and Sermin Hürmeriç heading the cast.

The film takes its name from the residents of İzmir’s Eşrefpaşa neighborhood who were infamous for their fierce lifestyle and bad habits until a new Muslim religious teacher was appointed to the neighborhood mosque.


The film is about two friends, Tayyar (Hüseyin Soysalan), a mafia leader, and Davut (Turgay Tanülkü), a neighborhood coffee shop owner, who move from their hometown, Eşrefpaşa, to Istanbul, where they both fall for Eleni (Sermin Hürmeriç). Tayyar marries the girl, but she is actually in love with Davut. Aware of the situation, Tayyar attempts to take revenge on Davut by encouraging his foster child, Nusret (Burak Tarık), to become involved in the mafia. Nusret is forced to choose between the girl he loves and the appealing world of big money, but when a hodja is appointed to the derelict neighborhood mosque, the course of events starts to change on its own.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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