Eu Não Faço a Menor Ideia do que eu Tô Fazendo Com a Minha Vida is a 2012 Brazilian comedy-drama film directed by Matheus Souza. The film opened the competitive exhibition at the 40th Gramado Film Festival.
^ Eu Não Faço a Menor Ideia do Que Eu Tô Fazendo Com a Minha Vida - Filme 2011 - AdoroCinema
^ G1 - Diretor Matheus Souza custeou novo filme com dinheiro do próprio bolso - notícias em Rio Grande do SulSynopsis
The film follows the story of Clara, played by actress Clarice Falcão, which accepts to study medicine by family pressure. Without vocation for the profession, she stops going to the classes while initiates a new parallel life during the morning, with the purpose of discovering, to her own way, what's her talent and what she really wants out of life.