Flower and Snake (花と蛇, Hana to hebi), released in 2004, is a Japanese film based on the 1974 movie Flower and Snake directed by Masaru Konuma and starring Naomi Tani. The earlier film, based on a novel by Oniroku Dan, was part of Nikkatsu's Roman Porno series. The 2004 version, directed by Takashi Ishii and starring Aya Sugimoto, has been described as marking a "watershed moment in the history of Japanese film censorship" with "some of the most extravagant scenes of sexual cruelty and graphic nudity to be passed off as mainstream entertainment in any part of the world."Synopsis
La sublime épouse d'un PDG refuse de se soumettre aux fantasmes de son mari. Frustré, ce dernier demande à l'un de ses employés modèles, dont la mère fut, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une "maîtresse" réputée, de l'initier à des plaisirs interdits.