Friend Request Pending is a 2011 short comedy drama film written and produced by Chris Croucher and directed by Chris Foggin. It stars Judi Dench, Tom Hiddleston, and Philip Jackson. It was included in the feature film Stars in Shorts.Synopsis
Mary (Dench) and Linda (Ryder) spend an afternoon discussing the pleasures, pitfalls and problems with using social networking to try and woo the local choirmaster and Mary's new love interest, Trevor (Jackson). While chatting on Facebook, Mary's son Tom (Hiddleston) IM's her, earning a response from Linda about wanting to "poke" him. When Linda leaves to go to the market, Trevor finally gains the courage and asks Mary out. When Linda returns, she finds Mary has gone out with Trevor, and decides to do a little Facebook flirting of her own and decides to send a friend request to Tom.