Hit By Lightning is a 2014 Canadian-American black comedy film written and directed by Ricky Blitt and produced by Chantal Chamandy, as his directorial debut and her film producer debut. Filmed on locations in Ottawa, Ontario and Los Angeles, California, the film stars Jon Cryer, Will Sasso, Stephanie Szostak, and Jed Rees.Synopsis
Ricky (Jon Cryer), a lonely, 40-something restaurant manager finally meets his ideal woman, Danita (Stephanie Szostak) through a dating website. However, one significant problem arises: she's married and wants him to kill her abusive husband (Jed Rees) so that she and Ricky can be together. Ricky is so smitten he agrees to do it with the help of his accountant best friend, Seth. (Will Sasso).