I'm a Stripper is a 42-minute 2013 documentary film directed by Charlie David and produced by Nickolaos Stagias and David's own Border2Border Entertainment following the lives of a number of male strippers from various backgrounds in a number of locations in United States and Canada. The full title I'm a Stripper: The Real Life Magic Men refers to the popularity of Steven Soderbergh's film Magic Mike starring Channing Tatum.
The film was launched on 3 April 2013 for television and has been featured in American Logo for its 'WHAT!?' documentary series features and on Canadian OUTtv specialized stations.Synopsis
The film features a group of friend strippers in Niagara Falls region, a young Asian man stripping in Montreal, and the performers in a Las Vegas show called Thunder from Down Under. The strippers talk about money, sexual turn-on, rivalry on stage, creativity, differences between male and female spectators, personal lives, a typical day on the club floor and away from it, reactions of families and friends.