The Man with Rain in His Shoes is a 1998 Spanish-British romantic comedy film, written by Spanish singer-songwriter Rafa Russo, directed by Spanish filmmaker María Ripoll (in her directing debut) and starring Lena Headey, Douglas Henshall, Penélope Cruz, Mark Strong and Elizabeth McGovern with Paul Popplewell. The film was released under the titles Twice Upon a Yesterday in the United States and If Only... in France, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
^ Wolf, Matt (1998-11-29). "Up And Coming: Penelope Cruz; A Spanish Siren, Heading West". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2008-08-03.
^ Stack, Peter (1999-06-11). "'Yesterday' a Quixotic Love Story Gone Astray". San Francisco Chronicle (Hearst Communications). pp. C – 5. Retrieved 2008-08-03.Synopsis
Apres avoir avoue a sa fiancée, Sylvia, qu'il l'a trompé depuis huit mois, Victor Bukowski essaie a tout prix de la reconquérir mais sans succès. Un soir, deux éboueurs mystérieux lui donnent une chance de se racheter en le renvoyant huit mois en arriere.