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Jack Falls est un film Britannique de genre Policier réalisé par Dominic Burns avec Tamer Hassan

Jack Falls (2011)

Jack Falls
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Réalisé par
Genres Policier
Note42% 2.1162752.1162752.1162752.1162752.116275

Jack Falls is a 2011 British independent feature film starring Simon Phillips, Jason Flemying, Dexter Fletcher, Alan Ford, Adam Deacon, Martin Kemp, Tamer Hassan, Olivia Hallinan, Doug Bradley, Jing Lusi and Zach Galligan and the third installment in the Jack Says Trilogy, the first ever British film trilogy according to the British Film Institute. Based on the graphic novel of the same title by Paul Tanter, the movie is a contemporary film noir shot in London in high contrast black and white with splashes of colour particularly reminiscent of the Robert Rodriguez film Sin City, but with a harder, grittier edge. Although a stand-alone film, it follows on from the films Jack Says and Jack Said.


Ancien officier de police en civil, Jack Adleth retourne à Londres à la recherche de ceux qui ont essayé de le faire tuer à Amsterdam.


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