Killer Bean Forever is a 2009 computer-animated action film written, produced, and directed by Jeff Lew. It tells the story of an assassin named Jack Bean, whose alias is Killer Bean. (In the film, all the characters are beans.) The film was preceded by two web shorts: "Killer Bean: The Interrogation" and "Killer Bean 2: The Party". There are rumors that a live action remake is being planned.Synopsis
The film begins at a warehouse party with loud music that is attended solely by gangsters. At 2:30 AM, Killer Bean is at a nearby hotel trying to sleep, and makes a phone call asking them to turn down the music. The gangsters refuse, and Killer Bean confronts them. After the gangsters fire a shot at Killer Bean and miss, Killer Bean ends up killing every one of the gangsters. The last bean killed is revealed to be the nephew of Cappuccino, a mob boss.