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Kitty est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par Victor Saville avec Estelle Brody

Kitty (1929)

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Durée 1h32
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note49% 2.4640452.4640452.4640452.4640452.464045

Kitty is a 1929 British drama film directed by Victor Saville and starring Estelle Brody and John Stuart. The film was adapted from the 1927 novel of the same name by Warwick Deeping and marked the third co-star billing of Brody and Stuart, who had previously proved a very popular screen pairing in Mademoiselle from Armentieres (1926) and Hindle Wakes (1927).

Kitty was initially planned and filmed as a silent, but on its original completion Saville decided to reshoot the latter part with sound. As no suitable facilities were yet available in Britain, Saville, Brody and Stuart travelled to New York to shoot the new sequences at RKO Studios. The film was released in the form of a silent which switched to sound after the half-way point.

^ Victor Saville (1896-1979) BFI Screen Online.


In pre-World War I London, handsome young aviator Alex St. George (Stuart) meets and falls in love with shopgirl Kitty Greenwood (Brody). He asks her to marry him, to the horror of his snobbish, class-bound mother (Dorothy Cumming), who is appalled by the notion of her son marrying into a family who run a tobacconists shop. Before the wedding can take place, war breaks out and Alex is called up to serve as a pilot.


Estelle Brody

(Kitty Greenwood / Kitty St. George)
John Stuart

(Alex St. George)
Dorothy Cumming

(Mrs. St. George)
Marie Ault

(Sarah Greenwood)
Winter Hall

(John Furnival)
Bande annonce de Kitty

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Source : Wikidata


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