The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia is a 1990 animated independent short film. The style of the film is surrealist, and the director Jan Švankmajer has been described by The New York Times as being "One of cinema's most visionary surrealists".
The film's original title is: Konec stalinismu v Cechách. The film is also known as Der Tod des Stalinismus in Böhmen in Germany, Konec stalinismu v Cechách in the Czech Republic, and Koniec stalinizmu w Czechach in Poland (according to the imdb listing)Synopsis
Stalin's bust is opened on an operating table, and this leads into an animated sequence which depicts Czech history from 1948, when it was taken over by Communists, to 1989, when the Velvet Revolution took place. Background knowledge of the historical context is required for one to fully understand and appreciate the entirely visual film.