Smithereens is a 1982 film directed by Susan Seidelman and starring Susan Berman, Brad Rinn, and punk rock icon Richard Hell. The film follows a narcissistic young woman from New Jersey who comes to New York City to join the punk subculture, only to find that it's gravitated towards Los Angeles; in order to pay her way across country, she engages in a number of parasitic relationships, shifting her allegiances to new "friends" in an ongoing effort to ultimately endear herself to someone who will finance her desired lifestyle.
Smithereens marked the debut of Oscar-nominated screenwriter Ron Nyswaner (Philadelphia) and features a score by The Feelies. It was the first American independent film invited to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 1982 Cannes Film Festival.Synopsis
Tout juste arrivé de son Montana natal, Paul, un jeune artiste sensible, s'installe à Greenwich Village où il tombe sous le charme de Wren, le prototype de la punkette désirant devenir une figure du mouvement. Mais fréquenter un gentil garçon de la campagne ne colle pas exactement aux plans de "carrière" de l'aspirante rock star qui multiplie les relations éphémères...