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La liga de las canciones est un film réalisé par Chano Urueta avec Mapy Cortés

La liga de las canciones (1941)

La liga de las canciones
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Réalisé par
Themes Musique

The League of Songs (Spanish: Liga de las canciones) is a 1941 Mexican musical comedy film directed by Chano Urueta. It stars Fernando Cortés and Fanny Schiller.


Bande annonce de La liga de las canciones

Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Genres Drame, Comédie, Musical
Thèmes Musique
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Don Chonito Godinez (Adalberto Martínez), the wealthy owner of a business of mexican enchiladas, flees Mexico to escape to the modern life and tries to find comfort in Havana. Don Chonito is convinced by a restoring called Maria La O (Amparo Arozamena) for days at a resort in the country. There, he coincides with his sister (Esther Luquín), a depressed American woman (Joan Page), a composer (Roberto Romagna) and two detectives (Joaquín García "Borolas" and Mario Garcia "Harapos"), which should give him some very important information. Under the administration of the Cuban singer Rita Montaner, and with songs and dances provided by her daughter Reyna (Amalia Aguilar), the estate which houses the complex, is a kind of cabaret that works all day. So the owners and all his friends (including the "King of Mambo" Damaso Perez Prado with full orchestra), Don Chonito decide to enjoy himself, doing nothing.