Language of Love (Swedish: Ur kärlekens språk) is a 1969 Swedish sex educational film directed by Torgny Wickman. It was an international success.
It gained publicity when 30,000 people gathered on Trafalgar Square in London to protest against a nearby movie theatre showing it, one of the protesters being pop singer Cliff Richard. Lord Longford and Raymond Blackburn decided to pursue a matter of pornography classification for the film Language of Love into the Court of Appeal and lost the writ of mandamus against the Police Commissioner, who had refused to intrude upon the British Board of Film Classification remit.
United States customs were known to have confiscated copies of the film. Following such events, it was marketed as a sexploitation film of the "white coater" variety in some places — a pornographic film masquerading as a documentary or scientific film.
The film had two sequels, Mera ur kärlekens språk in 1970 and Kärlekens XYZ in 1971. In 1973 the three films were edited together into a new film, Det bästa ur Kärlekens språk-filmerna ("The Best from the Language of Love Films").
Mera ur kärlekens språk (More from the Language of Love) had equally successful box office though it dealt more with alternate sexuality and lifestyles and also with the disabled.
Remakes of the first two films appeared in 2004 (Kärlekens språk a.k.a. Kärlekens språk 2000) and in 2009 (Mera ur kärlekens språk), both directed by Anders Lennberg.
The film included split screen visions of couples having sex with Ravel's Bolero playing in the background.Synopsis
Un panel de véritables médecins évoque les problèmes sexuels, les fausses idées, les préjugés et l'ignorance des individus en matière de sexualité.