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Last Will est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Brent Huff avec Tatum O'Neal

Last Will (2011)

Last Will
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Thriller
Note45% 2.2714652.2714652.2714652.2714652.271465

Last Will is a 2010 mystery drama film starring Tatum O'Neal and Tom Berenger. It was shot in Kansas City, Missouri on a modest budget.


A woman named Hayden is framed for the murder of her wealthy husband Frank. With all the evidence stacked against her, Detective Sloan arrests her and Hayden finds herself in the fight of her life as she tries to uncover the truth. Set against the backdrop of a wealthy Midwestern city, Last Will tells a story of deception, corruption and misguided family loyalties.


Tatum O'Neal

(Hayden Emery)
Peter Coyote

(Judge Garner)
Patrick Muldoon

(Joseph Emery)
James Brolin

(Det. Sloan)
Tom Berenger

(Frank Emery)
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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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