Growing Pains (also known as Bad Manners) is a 1984 American black comedy teen film released by New World Pictures. Written and directed by Robert Houston and produced by Kim Jorgensen, the film follows a group of teenage delinquents who escape the oppressive Catholic orphanage where they live in order to rescue one of their fellow "inmates". While the film's adult stars Martin Mull, Karen Black, Anne De Salvo, and Murphy Dunne received top billing in promotional materials, the story is told through the perspective of the adolescent protagonists; played by Georg Olden, Pamela Segall, Michael Hentz, Joey Coleman, and Christopher Brown.Synopsis
Mouse, pensionnaire d'un orphelinat pas comme les autres, est recueilli par une famille de Santa Barbara, les Fitzpatrick. Mais quelle n'est pas sa surprise en arrivant chez eux! L'univers qu'il découvre est encore plus étrange que ce qu'il a connu jusqu'alors.