The Snowman and The Snowdog is a 2012 animated short film. It is the sequel to The Snowman, and was created to mark the 30th anniversary of the original short film. The Snowman and The Snowdog is dedicated to John Coates (the film's producer who died in September 2012) and features a new song called "Light the Night" by former Razorlight drummer Andy Burrows. The Snowman and The Snowdog won the Televisual Bulldog Award 2013 in the Best Children's category.Synopsis
Un petit garçon, dont le chien vient de mourir, emménage dans une nouvelle maison. Là, il découvre une photographie d'un bonhomme de neige et entreprend de le reconstruire. Avec la neige restante, il confectionne un chien. Le trio s'envole ensuite en direction du pays du Père Noël...