The Wrong Guy is a 1997 Canadian comedy film directed by David Steinberg. It was co-written by Dave Foley of The Kids in the Hall and Newsradio fame, along with David Anthony Higgins and Jay Kogen (the latter of The Simpsons writing fame). Foley also stars in the picture, along with David Anthony Higgins, Jennifer Tilly, Colm Feore and Joe Flaherty.
The script was originally inspired by a sketch Foley himself wrote back during his days with The Kids in the Hall.Synopsis
Nelson Hibbert espère devenir le nouveau président de Nagel Industries, mais M. Nagel donne la promotion à un autre employé. Lorsque Nelson fait irruption dans le bureau de Nagel pour le confronter, il découvre que Nagel a été assassiné. Craignant d'être impliqué, Nelson décide de fuir la loi... malgré le fait que la police connaît déjà l'identité du tueur.Ld