Switchmas (earlier title Ira Finkelstein's Christmas) is an American comedy film directed by Sue Corcoran. It tells the story of a Christmas obsessed Jewish boy on his way to sunny Florida figures out how to get the Christmas of his dreams by trading airline tickets and places with another boy on his way to snowy Christmastown, WA.
It stars Elliott Gould and David DeLuise and is directed and produced by Sue Corcoran.
It was originally filmed, in Leavenworth, Washington, under the title Ira Finkelstein's Christmas. At a local screening in 2012 it had the title All I want for Christmas.
The film was included in the 2012 Seattle International Film Festival.Synopsis
Ira, jeune garçon juif de onze ans, rêve de passer un vrai Noël. Alors qu'il se rend chez ses grands-parents sous le soleil de Floride, il rencontre Mikey, un garçon avec qui il met un plan sur pied pour rejoindre les montagnes enneigées.