Lego Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 is a 2009 comedy short film directed by a director Peder Pedersen and produced by M2Film for Lego and Cartoon Network in collaboration with Lucasfilm.
It was made as a follow-up to Lego Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Brick (2008) and premiered on Cartoon Network on August 27, 2009, "in celebration of 10 years of LEGO Star Wars". The story follows the characters from the 2008 series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Similar to Lego Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Brick the film also includes several inside-jokes that pay homage to the Star Wars series, the Indiana Jones films and George Lucas's THX 1138.Synopsis
The story begins with Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 on a Separatist cruiser where they have completed an important mission and attempt to escape in Anakin's Jedi starfighter. But they are attacked by Hyena droid bombers and R2-D2 is blasted out into space. When he returns to the Jedi Temple, the Jedi masters scold him and tell him to find the droid and his special blueprints. Meanwhile, the Separatist leaders are desperate to recover the droid, and Chancellor Palpatine has dispatched a special squad of clones to Hoth to do the same.