The Garbage Pail Kids Movie is a 1987 American live action film adaptation of the then-popular series of children's trading cards produced, directed, and co-written by Rod Amateau. It is the last film to be directed by Amateau.
The cards were a parody of the popular Cabbage Patch Kids dolls and each card featured a character that typically had a gross habit, abnormality, or suffered a terrible fate. The film depicted many of the Garbage Pail Kids (played by dwarf actors in costumes) interacting with society and befriending a regular boy.
The film was universally panned, receiving overwhelmingly negative reviews, and is widely considered to be one of the worst films ever made.Synopsis
Dodger travaille pour le compte du Capitaine Mancini, un vieil excentrique qui tient une boutique d'antiquités. Au fond de l'échoppe, cachés à la vue de tous, vivent, planqués au fond d'une poubelle, des être difformes mais sympathiques : les Crados. Une fois accidentellement libérés par Dodger, ils n'ont de cesse de faire le maximum de bêtises et accessoirement, retrouver leurs autres copains disparus tout en aidant Dodger à conquérir sa belle...