Fatal Games (also known as Olympic Nightmare and The Killing Touch) is a 1984 slasher film written and directed by Michael Elliott and starring Sally Kirkland, Lynn Banashek, Sean Masterson, Michael O'Leary, Teal Roberts, and Spice Williams-Crosby. The plot consists of a mad slasher wielding a javelin killing off various members of a high school gymnastics team. The film shares many of its plot points with an earlier slasher film, Graduation Day.Synopsis
1984, à la veille des J.O. de Los Angeles, une ombre menaçante hante le gymnase où s'entraînent les jeunes espoirs olympiques. Son javelot meurtrier stoppe net la course de leur vie. Qui est le tueur maniaque qui fait disparaître les corps une fois son forfait accompli ?