Love Child is a 2014 South Korean-American documentary film written and directed by Valerie Veatch. Veatch also co-produced the film with David Foox, including Dong Hyun Danny Kim, Minji Kim and Daniel Levin. The film premiered in-competition in the World Cinema Documentary Competition at 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 17, 2014.
The film was theatrically released by HBO on June 18, 2014.
The film narrates the story of South Korean couple, who were immersed in an online game, while their baby named Sarang died of malnutrition.
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, 1h14 OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDocumentaire ThèmesL'enfance, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentaire sur la maltraitance des enfants, Maltraitance des enfants Note62% When a Hartford couple turns to psychiatry for help with their marriage, things quickly spiral out of control. Couples counseling, individual and group therapy and 24-hour marathon sessions ensue. Their four children suffer and are given their own psychiatrists. Pills are prescribed, people are institutionalized, shock-therapy is administered. This is an intimate story in the family’s own words, from an extraordinary collection of audio recordings and home movies, illuminating a difficult and extraordinary time.
Réalisé parPaul Arcand GenresDrame, Documentaire, Romance ThèmesL'enfance, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur la maltraitance des enfants, Maltraitance des enfants ActeursPaul Arcand, Dan Bigras Note68% Film choc au style pamphlétaire, le documentaire brosse un portrait critique de la protection de la jeunesse au Québec. Il utilise des chiffres alarmants comme le nombre de signalements à la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse, les estimés du nombre de bébés victimes d’infanticide, le nombre d’enfants placés, etc. pour questionner la responsabilité citoyenne et institutionnelle face aux enfants en besoin de protection. Avec des extraits d’entrevues de victimes, il réfère à des exemples de situations graves et très médiatisés de maltraitance ou d’abus sexuels, comme ceux de Nathalie Simard ou celui du « Bourreau de Beaumont », qui a aussi fait les manchettes et qui a été l’objet d’une enquête de la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse dans ce questionnement. Vingt-cinq ans après l’avènement de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse, le documentaire critique le système de protection de la jeunesse pour sa grosseur, ses lourdeurs administratives et certaines de ses pratiques.
The story begins with Tony recalling himself as a child in the 1960s at the age of four, coming from an aloof family in Trentham, Victoria. Tony's father was an agricultural labourer who suffered from alcoholism. Tony, without an older male role model, originally felt warm attachment to the other main figure in the film, his father's workmate and drinking friend Gordon Kerr. Then on one night Gordon - who was to be looking after the child - raped Tony. Tony and his younger brother continued to be sexually assaulted by Gordon for the following ten years until his parents unexpectedly saw this for themselves and were forced to acknowledge what was happening.
, 1h47 Réalisé parAlex Gibney OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDocumentaire ThèmesL'enfance, Religion, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur la religion, Documentaire sur la maltraitance des enfants, Maltraitance des enfants ActeursJamey Sheridan, John Slattery, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke Note79% The film follows documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney as he examines the abuse of power in the Catholic Church system through the story of four deaf men — Terry Kohut, Gary Smith, Pat Kuehn and Arthur Budzinski — who set out to expose the priest who abused them during the mid-1960s. Each of the men brought forth the first known case of public protest against clerical sex abuse, which later lead to the sex scandal case known as the Lawrence Murphy case. Through their case the film follows a cover-up that winds its way from the row houses of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, through Ireland's churches, all the way to the highest office of the Vatican.