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Love Letters est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Roy William Neill avec Dorothy Dalton

Love Letters (1917)

Love Letters
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame

Love Letters is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Roy William Neill and written by Ella Stuart Carson and Shannon Fife. The film stars Dorothy Dalton, William Conklin, Dorcas Matthews, Thurston Hall, Hayward Mack, and William Hoffman. The film was released on December 24, 1917, by Paramount Pictures. A print of Love Letters is held by the Library of Congress.


As described in a film magazine, Eileen Rodney (Dalton) is in love with Raymoond Moreland (Connklin), a lecturer who favors the mating of souls without the usual ceremony. When she learns his true convictions she is disgusted and accepts the proposal of her guardian, John Harland (Hall). After she is married, Eileen meets Moreland and requests the return of her love letters, and he invites her to his home. When she gets there he forces his attentions on her. In self defense she strikes him and, believing him dead, rushes from the home. The guilt of her action weighs on her life. Later, a half crazed gardener confesses to the crime and, with the knowledge that she is blameless, Eileen confesses everything to her husband.


Dorothy Dalton

(Eileen Rodney)
William Conklin

(Raymoond Moreland)
Thurston Hall

(John Harland)
Hayward Mack

(Robert Maxwell)
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