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James Patrick Hogan est un Acteur, Réalisateur, Scénariste et Assistant Director Américain né le 21 septembre 1890 à Lowell (Etats-Unis)

James Patrick Hogan

James Patrick Hogan
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Nom de naissance James Patrick Hogan
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 21 septembre 1890 à Lowell (Etats-Unis)
Mort 4 novembre 1943 (à 53 ans) à Hollywood (Etats-Unis)

James Patrick Hogan est un réalisateur, scénariste, acteur, producteur et directeur de la photographie américain né le 21 septembre 1890 à Lowell, Massachusetts (États-Unis), et mort le 4 novembre 1943 à Los Angeles (Californie).

Le plus souvent avec

Hans Dreier
Hans Dreier
(18 films)
William LeBaron
William LeBaron
(10 films)
John Howard
John Howard
(7 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de James Patrick Hogan (42 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste



The Mad Ghoul, 1h5
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Horreur
Thèmes Vampire
Acteurs George Zucco, David Bruce, Evelyn Ankers, Robert Armstrong, Turhan Bey, Milburn Stone
Note58% 2.9056252.9056252.9056252.9056252.905625
Curieux de constater les effets d'une composition chimique maya, un savant tente l'expérimentation sur son jeune assistant. Ce dernier se transforme alors en une monstrueuse goule ayant besoin de dévorer des coeurs humains pour subsister.
No Place for a Lady, 1h6
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Acteurs William Gargan, Margaret Lindsay, Phyllis Brooks, Dick Purcell, Jerome Cowan, Edward Norris
Note63% 3.179663.179663.179663.179663.17966
At a Tyre warehouse in Los Angeles, trucks are loaded with stacks of tires to be delivered to a San Francisco warehouse. Later, on a country road under cover of darkness, the tires are transferred to Joe Wembley (Frank M. Thomas), an underworld figure and operator of a nightclub at the beach. With the $50,000 earned from the transaction, Evelyn Harris (Doris Lloyd), who inherited the tire business from her late husband, plans to marry Eddie Moore (Jerome Cowan), a singer at Wembley's café. The two lovebirds then head for New York, but Moore insists on stopping at an unoccupied cottage he notices from the road. In San Francisco, meanwhile, Jess Arno (William Gargan), a private detective from Los Angeles, succeeds in clearing former actress Dolly Adair (Phyllis Brooks) of a murder charge and becomes a media sensation. After the trial is over, Jess rushes to phone his sweetheart, June Terry, a real estate agent at the shore. June, who is jealous of Dolly, is upset when Jess informs her that he plans to shield Dolly from the reporters by hiding her at his beach cottage. Randy Brooke (Dick Purcell), a reporter who is Jess's rival for June's affections, convinces June to play a practical joke on Jess. Together, they take a wax model to Jess's cottage and stick a knife in the figure's throat. Later that night, Jess and Dolly arrive at the cottage and are horrified to find blood stains and a body of a woman in the cellar. Hurrying to Wembley's café nearby, they telephone Capt. Baker (Thomas E. Jackson) at police headquarters. When the officers arrive, accompanied by Randy and June, the body is missing and the dummy lies in its place. Believing that it is all a publicity hoax, the police ridicule Jess as a "front page detective." After the police leave, June admits her involvement in placing the dummy in the cottage and offers to help Jess discover the identity of the murdered woman. A dress label found on the body leads them to an exclusive shop in Los Angeles, and there they discover that the dress was sold to Evelyn Harris. After Jess and June argue, the two go their separate ways to solve the mystery. Upon learning that Evelyn left Los Angeles to marry Eddie Moore, their investigation leads to Wembley's café. When June begins to question Moore about Evelyn, he flees the café with the $50,000. His escape is aided by the sound of air raid sirens and a blackout at the beach. By pretending to be an air raid warden, Jess corners Moore at his apartment. After Moore denies killing Evelyn and accuses Wembley of engineering the murder and hijacking the tires, Jess phones Capt. Baker, but before he can relay the information, Moore knocks him unconscious and locks him in a closet. Moore is then confronted by Wembley and his henchman, Mario (Edward Norris), who have followed him to the apartment. When the police arrive, they find Moore's body, beaten to death, and accuse Jess of the crime. After recovering from a blow to his head, Jess eludes the police and goes to Wembley's café, where he confronts Wembley and Mario with evidence of murder. In the ensuing fight, Mario and Wembley chase Jess into a banquet room where the hijacked tires are stored. The police then arrive and, seizing the tires as evidence, arrest Wembley and Mario. With the murder solved, Jess and June leave for their wedding and honeymoon.
Power Dive
Power Dive (1941)
, 1h8
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique, Action
Thèmes Transport, Aviation
Acteurs Richard Arlen, Jean Parker, Cliff Edwards, Roger Pryor, Billy Lee, Helen Mack
Note52% 2.6142352.6142352.6142352.6142352.614235
Ace test pilot Bradley Farrell (Richard Arlen), flying for McMasters Aviation Corp., breaks his leg when an overweight prototype crashes. Brad's younger brother Douglas (Don Castle), a recent graduate in aeronautical engineering thinks Doug's flying is too dangerous, and is hired as a design engineer at McMasters. Carol Blake (Jean Parker) wants to interest Brad in her father's design for an aircraft made of plastic. Doug pretends to be Brad because he is attracted to her but Brad meets Carol and takes her out flying. She introduces him to her blind father, Professor Blake (Thomas W. Ross), resulting in Brad becoming immersed in the professor's new designs.
Queen of the Mob, 1h1
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Thèmes Gangsters
Acteurs Ralph Bellamy, Blanche Yurka, J. Carrol Naish, Jeanne Cagney, William Henry, Richard Denning
Note62% 3.131253.131253.131253.131253.13125
À Central City, Ma Webster dirige d'une main de fer un gang criminel principalement constitué de trois de ses fils. George Frost, le seul membre du gang qui n'appartient pas à la famille de Webster, conteste la planification du cambriolage de la banque de la ville pendant le réveillon, mais en vain.
Le Retour des Texas Rangers, 1h8
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Western
Acteurs Ellen Drew, John Howard, Akim Tamiroff, May Robson, Broderick Crawford, Charley Grapewin
Note60% 3.0010753.0010753.0010753.0010753.001075
Lorsque des milliers de têtes de bétail sont volées au ranch "White Sage" au début des années 1930, les Texas Rangers sont de nouveaux appelés à la rescousse. Grâce à l'un de leurs agents, les Texas Rangers vont infiltrer le gang de voleurs, et tenter de récupérer le trésor des fermiers.
Pacific Express, 2h15
Réalisé par Cecil B. DeMille, Arthur Rosson, Charles Barton, James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Action, Western
Thèmes Transport, Le train
Acteurs Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea, Akim Tamiroff, Robert Preston, Lynne Overman, Brian Donlevy
Note70% 3.542033.542033.542033.542033.54203
Peu avant 1870, en pleine guerre de Sécession, deux compagnies ferroviaires rivales tentent, par tous les moyens, la construction de la ligne de chemin de fer qui traversera les États-Unis d'Est en Ouest, reliant l'océan Atlantique à l'océan Pacifique. La première, l’Union Pacific part de l’Atlantique. Le train de cette compagnie est conduit par Monahan aidé par sa fille Mollie qui s’occupe de l’intendance. Jeff Butler, agent du gouvernement, assure l’ordre et la protection du convoi. Le deuxième projet, le Central Pacific, est soutenu par un politicien véreux Barrows qui utilise tous les procédés pour retarder l’Union Pacific afin d’effectuer la plus grande portion de ligne de chemin de fer. Un sabotage sur l’Union Pacific met en cause Dick Allen un ami de longue date de Jeff Butler. Leur amitié va être mise à rude épreuve leurs intérêts étant contraires, ils sont de plus tous deux amoureux de Mollie. Après bien des péripéties (sabotages, vol de la paye des ouvriers, attaque d’indiens, bagarres…), Dick meurt tué par Campeau, le principal artisan des sabotages, au cours d’un ultime guet-apens. Le dernier tronçon de voie enfin posé, Jeff et Mollie vont pouvoir enfin s’avouer leur amour.
Bulldog Drummond's Bride, 56minutes
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Policier
Acteurs John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner, Reginald Denny, E. E. Clive, Elizabeth Patterson
Note59% 2.955812.955812.955812.955812.95581
In London a shape charge wielding master-criminal comes up with a foolproof plan for robbing a bank and outwitting Scotland Yard's pursuit, but during the getaway he hides his haul in a radio set in the apartment of a certain Capt. Bulldog Drummond, leading to a murder, punch-ups, an expedition to France, and a night in a French jail cell and a break-out, in a race to reach Bulldog's fiancee - who has taken the radio set with her on holiday unaware of its contents - before the villain does: ending in a roof-top fight and the Bulldog finally tying the matrimonial knot in an explosive finale to his bachelorhood.
La Police privée de Bulldog Drummond, 56minutes
Réalisé par James Patrick Hogan
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Policier
Acteurs John Howard, Leo G. Carroll, Heather Angel, E. E. Clive, H. B. Warner, Reginald Denny
Note60% 3.049693.049693.049693.049693.04969
An absent minded Professor Downie makes a call upon Drummond as he is making plans for his much-delayed wedding to fiancee Phyllis Claverling. The professor informs Drummond that a fortune was buried in one of the walled off storerooms underneath his estate, and that Downie was in possession of a book written in code that would lead them to discover the treasure. Unfortunately for the professor, someone else also wanted the riches and Drummond once again is dragged into the plot as the code book is stolen, Professor Downie is murdered, and Phyllis is kidnapped.