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Ma and Pa Kettle in The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Charles Lamont avec Marjorie Main

Ma and Pa Kettle in The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle (1949)

Ma and Pa Kettle in The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle
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Durée 1h15
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note66% 3.348293.348293.348293.348293.34829

Ma and Pa Kettle is a 1949 American comedy film directed by Charles Lamont. It is the sequel to the 1947 film version of Betty MacDonald's semi-fictional memoir The Egg and I and the first official installment of Universal-International's Ma and Pa Kettle franchise starring Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride.


Ma and Pa Kettle have lived in a broken-down ramshackle farmhouse for twenty-five years in rural Cape Flattery, Washington. The Kettles' arch-nemesis, Birdie Hicks, organizes a town council meeting to condemn the Kettles' "garbage dump" farm.


Marjorie Main

(Phoebe 'Ma' Kettle)
Percy Kilbride

(Frank 'Pa' Kettle)
Richard Long

(Tom Kettle)
Meg Randall

(Kim Parker)
Esther Dale

(Mrs. Birdie Hicks)
Bande annonce de Ma and Pa Kettle in The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle

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Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm, 1h20
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