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Maskeli Beşler: Irak est un film de genre Comédie avec Şafak Sezer

Maskeli Beşler: Irak (2007)

Maskeli Beşler: Irak
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Durée 1h48
Genres Comédie
Note38% 1.9029151.9029151.9029151.9029151.902915

The Masked Gang: Iraq (Turkish: Maskeli Beşler: Irak) is a 2007 Turkish comedy film, directed by Murat Aslan, about an incompetent gang of criminals attempting to capture an oil installation in northern Iraq in order divert the oil to Turkey. The film, which went on general release across Turkey on January 12, 2007 (2007-01-12), was the third highest-grossing Turkish film of 2007. It is a sequel to The Masked Gang (2005) and was followed by The Masked Gang: Cyprus (2008).


In this sequel, the clumsiest comedy heroes of Turkish Cinema are convinced firmly that the rights of Turkey upon the oil supplies of the north Iraq are being ignored. Without further ado, they decide to end this unfairness. The idiotic group succeeds in bringing an Iraqi oil plant under American guard into its control. Guided by their leader Bahattin (Peker Acikalin), the gang members Bubbly Tezcan (Safak Sezer), Private Kamil (Cengiz Kucukayvaz), Clumsy Zeki (Melih Ekener) and Redneck Recep (Atilla Sarihan), manage to take the American soldiers as their hostages, and redirect the pipelines to Turkey. The good mannered gang, however, has difficulties in understanding, why this “clearly legal action” not only captures the attention of the local authorities, but also brings about a strong international crisis between Turkey and the USA. And the fact that Tezcan falls in love with the American lieutenant Angel, makes the situation by far more complicated.


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