The Devil and Max Devlin is a 1981 film produced by Walt Disney Productions, directed by Steven Hilliard Stern and starring Elliott Gould, Bill Cosby and Susan Anspach.
The film was considered to be controversial for a Disney film at the time because of the subject matter and the fact that Bill Cosby was featured as a character of evil. It was also the first Disney film to actually contain profanity (in non-religious connotations) such as "damn" and an unfinished "son of a bitch". This film was one of three films that influenced Disney to establish Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures, as a method to produce and release films for mature audiences.Synopsis
Lorsque Max meurt dans un accident, il va tout droit en enfer. Mais le diable Barney lui fait une offre: s'il parvient à obtenir trois jeunes innocents de lui vendre leurs âmes dans les deux prochains mois, il peut rester sur la terre. Max accepte et retourne à la terre, doté de pouvoirs spéciaux. Cependant sa tâche est plus difficile que prévu, surtout à l'âge de 7 ans Tobi exige qu'il épouser sa mère.