Meet the Parents is a 1992 American independent comedy film written by Greg Glienna and Mary Ruth Clarke. Glienna also directed and starred in the film as the male protagonist, Greg. The film is about a young man meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time and the problems that arise when the girl's father takes a disliking to him.
Filmed on a budget of approximately $100,000 and shot in and around Chicago, Meet the Parents was not widely distributed and did not earn a large profit at the box office upon its limited release. It did, however, garner some critical acclaim and film industry attention towards remaking the film on a bigger budget.
Several years after the film's release, Universal Studios purchased the rights to the independent film. After hiring screenwriter Jim Herzfeld to expand the script, a new version of Meet the Parents was filmed and released in October 2000. The 2000 version in turn inspired two movie sequels
and two television series.Synopsis
A clumsy but well-meaning young man named Greg (Greg Glienna) is on his way to visit his girlfriend Pam's (Jacqueline Cahill) parents for the first time. Stopping at a gas station on the way, he is warned by an attendant (Jim Vincent) of the catastrophic experience of his girlfriend's previous boyfriend when he first met her strict and overprotective father. Greg ignores the advice to turn around and go home.