Molly and Me is a 1945 American comedy film directed by Lewis Seiler and released by 20th Century Fox. The screenplay was based on the novel written by Frances Marion and adapted by Roger Burford. It starred Monty Woolley, Gracie Fields, Reginald Gardiner and Roddy McDowall.Synopsis
In 1937 London, struggling vaudeville actress Molly Barry (Gracie Fields) grows tired of the hopeless search for acting roles and instead applies for a job as housekeeper for upper class gentleman John Graham (Monty Woolley). She informs her friends and fellow actors, Lily (Queenie Leonard) and Julia (Edith Barrett), at the boardinghouse where she lives about her plans, but since she does not have any housekeeping references, she convinces former exotic dancer, Kitty Goode (Natalie Schafer), who has married into the peerage and become Lady Burroughs, to act as a fake reference.