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Monstroid: It Came From The Lake est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Herbert L. Strock avec James Mitchum

Monstroid: It Came From The Lake (1980)

Monstroid: It Came From The Lake
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Durée 1h20
Réalisé par
Genres Science-fiction,    Horreur
Note26% 1.334741.334741.334741.334741.33474

Monstroid is a 1980 American film directed by Kenneth Hartford. It was originally titled Monster when the film was first announced in 1975 and again in 1977, and suffered numerous cast changes (most notably Keenan Wynn who was still billed on some early video releases). The film was eventually released in 1980 as Monstroid, and is also known as Monstroid: It Came from the Lake (American DVD box title) and The Toxic Horror (American alternative title). A novelization written by Peter Crowcroft was released concurrently with the film.

The film bills itself as being based on a true story that took place in "Chimayo, Colombia" in 1971. However, the village is entirely fictional, and the film was actually shot in Chimayo, New Mexico and Ambalema, Colombia.


Un village rural colombien est attaqué par un horrible serpent de mer, réveillé par la pollution industrielle d'un lac voisin. Basé sur un événement réel qui a eu lieu en juin 1971.


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