Mosaic is an animated superhero film about a new character created by Stan Lee. It features the voice of Anna Paquin as Maggie Nelson with supporting roles done by Kirby Morrow, Cam Clarke, Garry Chalk, Ron Halder, and Nicole Oliver. It was released under the Stan Lee Presents banner, which is a series of direct-to-DVD animated films distributed by POW Entertainment with Anchor Bay Entertainment. The story was by Stan Lee, with the script by former X-Men writer Scott Lobdell.
Mosaic was released on DVD on January 9, 2007, and had its television premiere on March 10, 2007 on Cartoon Network..Synopsis
Un cambriolage et un meurtre dans un musée de New York déclenchent une enquête de l'agent d'Interpol Nathan Nelson. Lorsqu'il trouve un ancien artefact, Nelson le ramène chez lui pour approfondir ses recherches. Un orage, un caméléon de compagnie et l'artefact confèrent à sa fille, Maggie, des pouvoirs mystiques lui permettant de changer d'apparence à volonté, y compris la capacité d'imiter d'autres personnes et animaux.